GDAL python scripts through osgeo4w (python 3)
Moving window operations across arrays
Applying functions using moving windows are a common feature of geospatial data analysis and often exist “under the hood” of GIS software. If you’ve ever calculated a slope or aspect grid from a raster elevation dataset, then the program you’ve...
Developing a moving window operation framework to work on large numpy arrays (of digital elevation models), I need to modify one “master” moving window function to take in additional functions for which the number of variables might vary. This master...
I’ve been looking for how to spatially join vector data using an older version of ArcGIS (v10.3) where the data being joined may contain duplicate attribute names. ArcGIS’s python library Imagine you have a list of string elements, such as you might get after reading in a text file line by line that looks as follows: When dealing with terrain aspect values, you might find yourself needing to categorize them into sectors e.g. 10 deg N = North, 24 deg North = North-east, 90 deg North = East etc. This is also something to consider when...
To print standard output to a file in python 3, you can make use of the When compiling large datasets, you may end up with values in some columns that make up only a small contribution of the total. These values may be important and should not just be discarded without careful consideration. Equally, if they...
A common operation to implement with a pandas dataframe is to run a function for each entry or row of a column. Below shows how we can do this using a simple custom function. First we’ll put together a dataframe...
Given a set of dates and times, we want to calculate the time elapsed of each row relative to the first entry. A csv file containing dates and times is available for you to download here. It looks like...
This is something I keep coming back to and first posted about a while ago here. Let’s say we have three 2D arrays - we want to plot them in a line, each with a colorbar that is the...
We draw your attention to the multidisciplinary session “Maximising information acquisition in a world of ever increasing data availability” (NP4.4/BG1.23/CR7.5/ESSI3.6/GM2.12/NH11.12/SSS11.8) to be...
I’ve recently been using list comprehensions more often than not, having never paid them much attention. A decent overview is available here. Perhaps they are a sprinkling of syntactic sugar but I think I’m a fan. Here are...
Based on a post from a few years ago, a few people have asked how to handle ENVI format files in python for processing with the end goal being to output them as GeoTiff files. Purely for file format transformation,...
Using R, I needed to convert some long format data to wide format in the form of a presence/absence dataset. The why doesn’t really matter :) Where the initial dataset is for example a vector of categories, the intended...
Aim: Create 100 random points based on the cell centre coordinates of a regular grid Using R, the way we’ll go about it is: I have frequently used GMT’s blockmean and blockmedian functions with great success. These method essentially quasi-grid your points which is a particularly useful technique when trying to reduce irregularly spaced data such as for onward point sampling...
When running jobs on multiple files, sometimes you might find that files are missed. To ensure that you process ALL files, you can compare your total input files with those already processed using A code snippet detailing how to run a loop in parallel in R. The code below creates multiple files (each with a random number in the title) with the text “testing 1,2,3…” written inside. Note that parellelisation has its own...
A component of a signal can easily be removed by using the Fast Fourier Transform (and its inverse) - in Python, this is easily implemented using numpy. The code below zeros out parts of the FFT - this should be...
I often find myself with csv files that I’d like to visualise quickly in QGIS. If these were shape files, it is quick and easy to load multiple files at once. This isn’t the case with csv files as you...
We recently published a paper on developing synthetic fjord bathymetry in the absence of observations. Before giving a summary of the paper, lets cover some background which may answer questions such as “why is synthetic bathymetry required”, “why not...
When making maps or plots of spatial data (or any data really), colour bars are an almost standard requirement. For the map making process, I tend to create my basic map in ArcMap or QGIS, touching it up...
DEMs (raster format) are created from point elevation observations. When working with a DEM, it is important to be aware that the values of a given cell are the result of some processing step that converted point elevations to a...
With raster datasets, I often find myself using diverging colour scales. For a dataset ranging from say -3000 to 1000, we might want a colorbar to diverge from 0. By default though, any colorbar applied in matplotlib will diverge from...
You want to make two plots of two equally sized 2D arrays - one of which has a colorbar, the other not. You also want to ensure that both plots show the arrays at the same equivalent size. This requires...
The ability to visualise csv files within a GIS usually requires a couple of steps if you are operating your GIS in a point and click fashion. This is fine for a couple of files, but where you have multiple...
It has come to my attention that there is a free work book available taking the reader from basic python, to general statistical analysis, plotting and ultimately spatial data processing (think rasters and remote sensing). This is an incredibly useful...
Putty is an open source SSH client for windows. Various tutorials on how to make use of it exist (e.g. see here). On opening putty, you have a variety of options which you can make use of, including...
I’ve been looking to do some skeletonisation using python libraries and found something that did precisely that using the third party python package scikit-image. It was so quick to implement (after having spent a while trying to roll...
Python 3 is the future and the future is now. Considering best practise, the way forwards is to move with the times and upgrade. To make the change over easier, here’s a cheat sheet for writing python 2/3 compatible...
I was looking for a quick fix for calculating values along a parabola given three known points. Scouting around I found a nice symbolic C function doing exactly what I wanted (see here). The function doing the work of...
I was after a 3D projection of the globe focusing on some areas I had been working - I was after a horizon type view of the globe and so steps in the orthographic projection. Really, I was after a...
I am always using gdal commands in python. Sometimes though there are things that just happen faster though using the OSgeo4W Shell (I’m using windows at the moment) such as gdal_translate. It is still possible to use these commands...
I’m often using the gdal library for reprojecting and resampling raster data but have rarely needed to do so with vector formats. When dealing with points, I usually sort out the conversion manually. For other vectors - polygons and...
A useful summary of how to plot netCDF data in python can be found here This provides a nice introduction to the kriging process and addresses conditions of stationarity and non-stationarity. Trying to use the nearest neighbour interpolation routine through matplotlibs griddata function, I realised I needed to make use of the natgrid extension package. Working on windows and after as simple a point and click approach as possible,...
Further to my post on the claculation of the convex hull of a data set, I’ve just come across this which looks pretty useful! The usable code is the last snippet. I needed to resample and resize one larger array (call it arr_src) to the extent and post of a smaller array (arr_trgt). Using a mesh grid approach, I initially looped through the...
You can find an incredibly useful set of lectures and notes here on the use of gdal and ogr with Python. I keep coming back to needing this function, each time forgetting where to find it - populating an array based on conditions of other arrays which act as an input. Reading in data from netcdf files can be a bit of a pain the first few times you have to deal with them - this is rarely helped by error occurrences that mean next to nothing to you. Whilst trying...
This definitely passes my “post things that took more than half an hour to work out” as I know Aaron O’Leary was originally basing his posts on. I’ve never had to deal with netCDF files before. They are a...
There are three key commands you need to know about in IDL for projecting data This sets the projection parameters required i.e. all details associated with the map projection The projections are represented...
I’ve been needing to download vast amounts of data from various source recently including from the NSIDC. As with the NSIDC, there are various ways made available to you to download data. One useful area is the http file...
If ever you find yourself stuck with something, just think - you could probably do it more easily using Python: Here is a great place to start...
Following the calculation of a convex hull as described a few weeks ago, I’ve worked up a way to approximate a “concave” hull. This can be useful for point clouds of complicated geometries. Whereas the convex hull is a...
The gdal library is an excellent source of tools that help you query, process and manipulate spatial data of varying formats. It can be used directly from the command line in both linux and windows environments and is also...
Most of my work currently revolves around raster processing of one kind or another. Being able to take advantage of the extensive libraries within Python (e.g. Numpy) is extremely helpful when carrying out such tasks. This blog really got...
Every time I have to work with rows and columns I always mix this up - it must be because of the “across the hall and up the stairs” phrase I remember from school geography lessons. When dealing with arrays...
Ensure any temp files that may be written to don’t run the risk of being accessed by scripts being run in parallel - this can result in confusing results - especially if your program doesn’t crash! I found a handy...
Working with LiDAR point data it was necessary for me to polygonize the point cloud extent. A first approach was to calculate the convex hull of the points. This is predominantly facilitated using scipy spatial’s ConvexHull function. For my...
I’ve been experimenting with various different tools recently and for speed required smaller but representative data from my current project. Here are two ways of resampling an array by using only every nth line of the original array (python) or...
Functions in functions with varying numbers of arguments
Joining vector datasets with duplicate field names with arcpy's fieldmappings object
provides access to the fieldmappings object...
Using regex to select elements of a string with python
data=['month::5-->', 'day::13-->']
Aspect values to categories
Print to file from standard output using Python 3
function from the contextlib
package. The following example uses this library to write the standard output printed from a...
Thinning your data out with pandas
Applying a function to all rows of a column with pandas
Calculating time elapsed using timestamp information in pandas
Tidy line of 2D array plots each with a colorbar
EGU 2019 - Maximising information acquisition in a world of ever increasing data availability
List comprehensions - some examples (Python 3.x)
ENVI binary to GeoTiff - opening, processing and output in Python
Create a presence absence matrix from long data (R)
Create random points based on a regular grid
package to a given extentReplicating GMT's blockmedian/blockmean in R
Comparing input and output files
. Here’s an example of...
Running a parallel loop in R
Removing a component of a signal using FFT
Add multiple csv files to QGIS quickly...
Creating topography - synthetic fjords
Create a discrete colour bar (Python)
Creating a DEM from regularly / irregularly spaced points (R and Python)
Centre a diverging colorbar at a defined value with matplotlib
Matplotlib - getting to grips with colorbars and equivalent space
Converting csv files to ESRI Shapefile format
A free book covering Python for spatial data processing
Modify the appearance of your putty terminal
Binary image skeletonisation with Python
Changing your Python version with Anaconda
Calculate a parabola from three known points
3D views of the Globe
Calling gdal utilities from within python using subprocess
Reprojecting shapefiles
netCDF data plotting in python
Nice introduction to kriging
Install natgrid add on for matplotlib
Concave and convex hulls again
Resample raster to the size of another
Open source GIS with Python
Before I forget - logical_and from Numpy
> np.logical_and()
Fixing errors associated with R's ncdf "get" function
Reading in NetCDF data in R and exporting as a geotiff
Co-ordinate systems - Projecting data in IDL
Bulk data downloads using FTP
Learn Python - learn to fly
Calculating the concave hull of a point data set (Python and R)
Installing gdal binaries for Python on a windows machine
ENVI binary files to numpy arrays using GDAL
Snakes and ladders - rows and columns in Python
Problems of parallel processing - shared file names
Calculating the convex hull of a point data set (Python)
Resampling arrays and dataframes